As a young adult ministry, we welcome parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church and other churches to regularly meet for fellowship and to spiritually grow in the faith. 20s and early 30 yr olds have the opportunity to attend small group regularly on Tuesdays or on occasion. We welcome and get to know each other more by sharing potluck meals after small group and trying out new restaurants in the area.
Main opportunities include Tuesdays small group Bible study 7pm, and monthly adoration and fellowship the second Friday of the month with exceptions. We encourage people to deepen their relationship with Christ through the sacraments, learning about the Church, and Mary’s intercession through the rosary. We look up to Catholics working and living in the diocese and invite them to share wisdom with the young people in our group.The ministry is hopeful to host a few special events during the summer.
Contact: Christopher Fedkiw,