Pope Francis: Celebrating the Year of Amoris Laetitia Family:
As part of the celebration of the Year of Amoris Laetitia Family, the Holy Father will release ten videos going over the main teachings of Amoris Laetitia. The videos also feature real families sharing their experiences coinciding with the topic Pope Francis is covering. For more information:
**Video 1, March 25, 2021, The Pope and Families Walking Together
**Video 2, April 28, 2021, The Family in the Light of the Word of God
**Video 3, May 31, 2021, The Vocation of the Family
**Video 4, June 25, 2021, Love in Marriage: It's Not Just a Feeling
**Video 5, July 29, 2021, The 'Foreverness' and Beauty of Love