Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father, you call us to relationship with you through the death and resurrection of your Son, and the guidance of your Holy Spirit. Open our minds and hearts as we begin this OCIA process that we may deepen our faith in you, our hope for eternal life, and our love for you and our neighbor. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Scripture Reading 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he reminds the Christian community of what is of first importance, namely that Christ has died for our sins and raised on the third day. This central mystery of the faith is passed from apostle to apostle and generation to generation, handed on and received, to lead all to believe that Jesus is Lord. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults continues in this tradition of passing on what has been received to welcome new believers.
What is the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults?
“The Order of Christian Initiation is designed for adults who:
after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed,
consciously and freely seek the living God,
and enter the way of faith and conversion
as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts.”
Who are the people invited to participate in OCIA?
People who are not baptized, known as catechumens.
People who have been baptized in another Christian tradition, known as candidates for profession of faith and full communion.
People who were baptized Catholic, but did not receive any formal instruction, known ascandidates for full communion.
People who wish to accompany these individuals along their journey of faith, known assponsors, and people who will present a catechumen or candidate to receive the sacraments and form a lifelong relationship with them, known as godparents.
What are the four ways of formation in the OCIA process?
Following Jesus’ way of teaching, the early Christian community developed a way of life which included:
Learning “the teachings of the Apostles” - a gradual, but complete sharing of the teachings of the Church, rooted in the kerygma, or the heart of the Gospel message.
Living “in the community life” - an apprenticeship of being part of the Christian community learning a way of prayer, witness, and service of neighbor.
Liturgy, “the breaking of bread and prayers” - a participation in the rites of the Church to be strengthened by God’s blessing and preparing for participation in the Eucharist.
EvangeLization, “adding to their number” - a joining in the missionary discipleship efforts of the Church through word and deed.
What are the key themes of each stage of OCIA? Precatechumenate or Inquiry Stage - Handing on the Kerygma Catechumenate or Formation Stage - Handing on the Gospel
Purification & Enlightenment Stage - Handing on the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer Mystagogy Stage - Handing on the Mysteries (the sacramental life)
What should I do to have a good experience in OCIA?
Be open to the OCIA process. You will get out of the experience what you put in.
Attend meetings and events.
Meditate on the Sunday Gospel readings each week and review session notes and videos.
Keep a journal of feelings, emotions, and questions.
Pray for guidance and strength from the Holy Spirit.