A: First of all, noisy kids welcome! We are all trying to teach our kids about reverence, silence, and quietness for prayer... but they are still kids! Wiggles are part of having little ones and we should have resonable expectations about what they are able to do. Depending on your child and how active they are, you may drop in for five minutes, ten minutes, or last the whole hour!
We also use adoration materials drawn from Guided Children's Adoration, especially those designed for Preschoolers. You can look through those materials yourself below and help prepare your children for Adoration.
Not everything is "dummed down" for kids. It's important for them to encounter the ancient and traditional parts of our faith, even if they don't really understand it yet. Expostion with Latin, incense, singing, and the adoration experience in general can make a powerful impression.
We also try to include a period of silence. Kids often do not have time to just sit in silence and do nothing. This is a good experience for them as well. When possible, we like to conclude our adoration with sung Vespers and benediction.
Contact Brenda Accurso, DCM Coordinator, to sign up to bring something for the potluck. Each potluck has a theme so it's easy to contribute! baccurso@ourladyoflourdescc.org